USD 320 Food Service
Food Service Director: Laura Fails
Our Food Service Program employees may not see the inside of a classroom very often, but they do make a daily contribution to your child’s educational success. It’s really a very simple recipe. Research shows that kids who eat well learn better.
So the hard work going on in our school lunchrooms every day isn't just about preparing and serving meals to our kids. It’s also about helping to make a good education possible. We’re proud of our people who do all the hard work, largely unseen by parents, students, and other staff members. Our staff is truly dedicated to your child’s educational success! So don’t be fooled by the aprons – we’re here to help work miracles for our kids every day!
Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date information about our program and menus!
Online Meal Payments (NO FEES)
Mission Statement
- USD 320 Food Service is committed to enhancing education by providing meals that are nutritious and appealing while being served by caring professionals in a friendly atmosphere.
Vision Statement
- Enhancing Education through Nutrition.
- We Value:
©The quality and appearance of the food being served.
©The importance of providing quality customer service to our student and staff.
©Providing a variety of affordable and healthy choices.
©Our employees’ contributions to the overall success of the team.
©Opportunities to provide nutrition education for students and staff.
©The importance of maintaining a safe and clean working environment.
Meal Order Forms
Free/Reduced Meal Applications
Due to federal rule changes, school meals will no longer be free for all students. Families are STRONGLY encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meals. Start by reading the Information Letter to Households (en Espanol). Then, complete the Application for Free and Reduced Benefits (en Espanol) and the Consent for Disclosure for Free/Reduced Instructional Materials Fees.
The applications can also be completed online at
Meal Account Agreement - Central and West Elementary
Ala Carte Permission Form & Meal Account Agreement

Please Note: Additional menu items are available for WMS and WHS students in order to meet nutritional guidelines.
Menus are available online at
Handling Food Allergies and Intolerances
If your student requires meal changes due to a food allergy or intolerance, please complete the Medical Statement to Request Meal Modification and turn it into the school nurse or email directly to Laura Fails at If you have any questions regarding this form or allowable meal modifications, please contact Laura Fails.
Nutrition Advisory Councils
Each school building has a Nutrition Advisory Council which meets monthly with the Food Service Director to discuss school meals, do taste testings and participate in nutrition education activities. These meetings take place before school at Central, West and Middle School. Meeting time for High School is TBD.
If your student is interested in participating on the Nutrition Advisory Council please complete this form.
Elementary School Wellness Policy
Summer Food Service. Locate a Site Near You
2024 - 2025 Food Bid